Galactic Center at zenith at Paranal observatory

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All sky fish eye Time Lapse movie made at Paranal Observatory, Atacama desert, Chile. Images © Stéphane Guisard, "Los Cielos de America" , Music 'Origins' from album 'Chi Sagittarii', © VAAST, The original movie is a (very) HD (8000 x 8000 pixels), high image quality time lapse movie. The field of view is 360degrees x 200 degrees. The version presented here is 1200x1200 pixels and should be watched in this resolution by turning "HD" ON on the video screen. The Milky Way rises, culminates with the galactic center at zenith and then sets above Paranal Observatory. Two neighbor galaxies, the large and the small Magellanic clouds, are visible on the top left of the movie. The zodiacal light is visible on the bottom of the video at the beginning of the movie (sunset) and on the top right at the end of the movie (sunrise). © Stéphane Guisard "Los Cielos de America"

Cast: Stéphane GuisardTags: All sky, Time Lap
