Dave Mustaine Gets Pelted With Rocks By Croatian Metalheads

Dave Mustaine Gets Pelted With Rocks By Croatian Metalheads

As part of BuzzFeed's continuing Dave Mustaine coverage, we bring you breaking news out of Croatia. The 'staine was shredding on stage when the crowd started tossing rocks at the Dave-man's noggin. Totally harsh.

The total unchillness went down onTuesday at a music festival in Croatia. As Megadeth delivered punishing blows to the crowd in the form of tasty metal licks, the audience turned on them.

NME reports:

The stones were thrown amid chants from the crowd demanding that 1980s hair metallers WASP appear after rumours spread that WASP frontman Blackie Lawless had refused to perform at the event following an argument with Mustaine. This remains unconfirmed.

After the band left the stage, a spokesman for the band appeared and said: "Guys, Dave's been hit in the head with a rock." He was drowned out with calls for WASP before adding: "I apologise. He's been hit in the head."

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZxWprJHwaEo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">></iframe>

Around 9:20 is when you see a rock fly at him. After he leaves, the crowd starts chanting "WE WANT WASP"



Source: leatherrebelonline.blogspot.com

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